Sabtu, 27 Juni 2009

Breast Care

By: Eka Reski S, Hernita Safitri, Marissa, Nadia Fauzi
Nursing Academy of Jakarta

Breast care is caring the breast regularly.
The advantages are:
  • To take care and clean the breast
  • To ease the breast milk out from the mother
  • To keep the healthy body

The equipments needed are:

  • Baby oil or coconut oil
  • Two flanels
  • Small towel
  • Two palm of hands
  • Warm water and cold water
  • Cotton

There are 7 steps to do:

  1. Compress the nipple with the cotton and baby oil/coconut oil during 5 minutes
  2. Make the rotation movement in the nipple. Do this movement 30 times
  3. Pour the baby oil/coconut oil to the palm of hand
  4. Put one of the two palm of hands between two breasts and make a circle movement. Do this movement fifteen times
  5. Support the left breast with the left hands three fingers of the right hand, make rotation movement by giving pressure to the breast until the nipple
  6. Support the breast with one hand. While the other hand massage the breast with little fingers side up down nipple. Do this movement 30 times
  7. Compress the two breast with warm flannel during 2 minutes and then change one minute. Do this activity 3 times and finally compress with flannel.

Remember, while taking care of breast don't use alcohol and soap because the materials can make skin dry and irritated.

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